Capacity Building Program


“Human Rights, Leadership & Communication”

Nel mese di agosto 2017 ho avuto l’onore di partecipare come docente alla Summer School sui Diritti Umani che si è tenuta presso l’Università eCampus di Novedrate la cui mission ed obiettivi sono stati:

Human rights are mainly achieved through an informed and continued demand by people for their protection. By grasping the human rights concepts, they begin to look for their realization in their own lives, families and communities.

In this context, human rights education focuses on promoting values, beliefs and attitudes that encourage all individuals to defend their own rights and those of others. It develops an understanding of everyone’s common responsibility to make these rights a reality in each community.

The “Leadership Human Rights approach to help civil society organizations and activistes realize social justice.

Classes and training modules are addressed to enable participants acquire a complete knowledge on human rights and equip them with the needed skills to act in the field. (i.e. to combat illiteracy, lack of education, discrimination, lack of access to basic health services, injustice, etc.)

Classes provides a legal and sociological knowledge on Human rights, effective access to Human rights, statistical analysis of human rights violations, classes will also exams the existing best pratices.

Training provides, through pratical activities, knowledge and tools to work in the field of human rights.

Using eCampus learning metodology, classes, training, together with the study of textbooks, interactive tools (using Cmap, wikijus, role play, case-study and discussions) students will also acquire skills to framing the issues, to create human rights-based strategies and prepare statements.

L’Organizzazione è stata interamente e magistralmente curata dalla Prof. Paola Todini e dal Prof. Ali Khashan che hanno fondato il Global Center for Social Justice and Humanity.

Un personale ringraziamento va a tutti gli allievi, Avvocati provenienti dal mondo arabo e al Rettore dell’Università Prof. Arch. Enzo Siviero, dal garbo ed umiltà straordinarie, eccellente padrone di casa. La sede universitaria di Novedrate rappresenta davvero una struttura di eccellenza del mondo accademico.

L’Associazione conta di stipulare un accordo di partnership con il GCS nel breve termine, in quanto la tematica dei Diritti Umani in questa epoca è divenuta più cruciale e delicata che mai.




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